The Environment

Education and public displays of hoaxes is what we need to stop the media flamed pseudo-science radical leftist propaganda machines trying to scare the uneducated and the ignorant into supporting programs and policies which do nothing to help the environment but cost Americans and others in the free world freedom and money.   The Kyoto scam is a prime example.  Even if the man made global warming hoax were real, even if there was science behind that hoax. the Kyoto scam does absolutely nothing to address it.  What it does do is force citizens in the free world to send their hard earned to third world dictators under the guise of ‘buying carbon credits” from the dictators who’s slaves have a lower “carbon footprint”.  Of course, wealthy dictatorships like China are exempt, they are already communist, after all.  So if we had fallen for the scam like many of the Europeans and others, we’d still be driving our cars and heating our homes, but a substantial portion of the costs would be transferred to dictators who sponsor terrorism for no reason other than that the socialists who peddle the Kyoto and similar scams want to redistribute American wealth, which is pretty typical of communist and socialist thinking.
I propose hearings to consider charges of fraud against those perpetuating pseudo-science hoaxes for tax dollars.  A return to science as learning instead of political pandering for money.  Universities caught promoting these hoaxes should lose any and all funding and certifications. They have ceased to be institutions of learning.
CO2 is not now and has never been a significant greenhouse gas on earth.  Water vapor alone makes up over 98% of earth’s greenhouse gases, and climate is regulated by the balance between the water and the sun’s variable output.  If more people understood basic science today, hoaxes like the man made global warming and homeopathic “medicine” and socialism could never be taken seriously.  So education is key.  We can start to fix the nation’s various education systems by first taking power away from the teachers’ unions and give it back to local neighborhoods where it belongs.  Fixing the federal courts will be necessary before that change can be accomplished.  There is no constitutional authority for the federal government to even be involved in education.
There are real environmental issues in the US, of course.  And those should be addressed.  In the past they have been addressed and rather successfully.  Early in the last century the USA was growing fast industrially. Even during the depression, the nation was being electrified, dams constructed, etc.  By the end of World War II, the air in most cities, particularly in the northeast was terrible.  The water in many areas was polluted with sewage and the run off from factories, coal and copper mines left vast uninhabitable landscapes in their wake.  But all that changed when the American people demanded it.  Today the air is far cleaner, the water much more pristine, and mining companies leave wild live refuges and parks in their wake.  But in places like China, they are polluting on scales we couldn’t imagine, even 50 years ago.  So we exempt them from the enviro-scams we would impose on ourselves and pay their dictators to use their slaves to make products for Walmart?  Does that make sense to anyone?

The greatest environmental threat we face is not China’s CO2 destroying the planet.  It’s Mexico’s relentless and unchecked invasion of the USA.  Mexico’s criminals invading the USA now numbers well over 20 million, some say closer to 40 million, and a large chunk of those criminals are residing in the southwest USA.  The interesting geographical point in that piece of trivia is that the southwestern USA is mostly desert, it gets it’s water from man made lakes like Lake Mead, created by Hoover Dam in 1930s.  On the positive side, The Hoover Dam project created lots of jobs during the depression, created a great recreational lake, created Las Vegas as a iconic tourist trap, and continues to provide water and electricity to millions of people.  If it had not been built, Los Angeles could not exist as it is today.  There wouldn’t be nearly enough water or electricity to support even a fourth of it’s population. Las Vegas would still be a dusty little town few have even heard of.   But the Boulder Canyon would be a tourist area in a similar but lower status to the Grand Canyon.  Boulder Canyon was flooded to create Lake Mead.  All it’s glory, it’s historically significant trails, Indian markings, etc., were buried under water to make the dam and it’s needed resources.
Today, we need far more resources to support a growing population in the deserts of the southwest. And most of that growth is due to Mexican criminals who invade and then give birth, and because of a flaw in our constitution, the children of Mexican criminals, if they drop their brood on US dirt automatically become US citizens, we are stuck with the produce of the criminals.   We can fix that several ways, but that’s on the page about criminal invaders. The problems it’s causing with the environment are another issue.  The growing population needs water and they need electricity.   There are only three possible solutions.  We can reduce the population, or we can use nuclear power to generate the electricity and to operate desalinization plants to make fresh water from seawater, or we can build another dam and flood the Grand Canyon. Obviously that includes some combination of the three.
But it goes beyond that.  Mexico is well known for their habit of using human sewage to fertilize crops. That’s why we regularly see disease outbreaks from Mexican produce.  So far this year alone we’ve seen at least three such problems with a number of Americans dead and far more sick.  The Mexican criminals in the USA aren’t likely to do things differently here that they did at home. So as the invasion continues we can expect more of the same.
And population growth means further encroachment on unspoiled lands. The new people need housing, crops, electricity, cars, etc., and that means fewer park lands, less freedom for all Americans.  You only have to look at parks like Yellowstone and the growing lines and waiting lists to see the problem.  What will the USA be like for our grandkids in 50 years?  Will they have to speak Spanish, get permission to travel from drug lords, and only able to see Yellowstone on a tourist bus? Will they be warned not to drink the water if they visit California?
Mexican criminals are already taking power in cities like Atlanta Georgia, over 1000 miles from the border!  How long before the southwest USA is so taken over by Mexican invaders that it becomes part of Mexico?  Mexican streams and rivers are full of raw sewage and chemicals from unregulated plants.   If we don’t stop the invasion, we can expect the same here.



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