Middle East

Let’s be honest about the middle east.

It’s a social cesspool of backward religious fanatics and brutal dictatorships. If there was no oil there, there’d be no reason for most of the world to care what goes on there.  The only reason anyone cared before oil was discovered was that so may trade routes passed through the middle east and so piracy was a major source of revenue for those dictators.
Once we are free of dependence on Mideastern oil, we shouldn’t have reason to care again.  However that assumes that those dictatorships do not acquire nuclear power and that they fail in their ongoing attempts to conquer the rest of the world and force conversion to their radical religious beliefs.  Much of Europe is already under threat of violent revolution by mid eastern radicals who entered their countries legally or illegally under the guise of immigration.  It’s only the size of the US which makes it take much longer which has kept us from see any of that here so far.
We have to slow the flow of immigration from the middle east to the USA so that those who do move have time to be assimilated rather than allow ourselves to be forced into assimilating into foreign cultures.   Unlimited immigration is destroying our country.   While most of it’s from Mexican criminals invading, we are quickly approaching the point to where we will become a battle ground for many foreign elements dividing us up and each claiming their pieces of the pie.
We must do whatever it takes to prevent any more dictators from gaining access to nuclear weapons. That includes Iran. If we don’t take out Iran’s nuclear program, the Israelis will have to. And no matter who does it, it’s going to get bloody.  But the alternative is waiting for those nut cases to get the weapons it takes to destroy cities, and waiting for them to use them.  It’s better to fight a war with them now than wait 10 years and trade nuclear attacks.

As for our support of Israel, it’s pointless.   We should support the ideals of a free society that Israel alone represents in the middle east, but Israel cannot survive, we need to face that fact.   As a Jewish state, Israel is doomed.   The Jews in Israel will soon be a minority unless they suddenly start breeding like rabbits and import more Jews by the millions.   Otherwise they can only remain a majority by killing or exporting the so-called “Palestinians” who are currently breeding in far greater numbers than the Jews.  They have only been open to giving up land to the  so-called “Palestinians, in order to keep them from voting as Israeli citizens so they can retain a Jewish majority a little longer.  But that’s only buying time.  Eventually, Arab Muslims will be the large majority in Israel and they will not keep the name or the government setup by the Jews.   Israel’s days are numbered, not because of their hostile neighbors, but because of their own demographics.   Continuing to waste US tax dollars paying Israel and Egypt not to fight is a pointless waste.  We should end all foreign aid because we are already broke and borrowing money to pay our own bills.   We should start by ending aid to middle eastern countries, including Israel.


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