No Collective Bargining

How about those headlines?

“Ohio committee votes to end state worker strike rights”

Yeah, Reuters thinks that’s the atrocity, the poor overpaid thugs can’t hold the taxpayers hostage any more.


The sane question is who in their right mind decided in the first place that any public employee should be allowed to walk off the job and keep the job?



One Comment

  • WRJames says:

    When public employees strike, they are striking against the people who are taxed, robbed by force, to pay their salaries. If they want to strike, they should leave the jurisdiction. In the case of federal employees, that would be the country. Let them move to China and work as slaves if they don’t like the perks they get here. For state workers, they should move to more union friendly states and see if they can make a better living in a union paradise like Detroit.

    For private sector employees, they shouldn’t have any more protection. Each one is in the business of selling his or her labor to a buyer. If either party wishes to cease trading at any time, they shouldn’t need a reason. People should be free to form unions, of course. But no one should be forced to negotiate with them.

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