Legal Reform

Kill the Lawyers!

Ok, that’s going a bit too far if taken literally, but figuratively speaking it’s what we have to do.
The legal system in the USA has become so corrupt and invasive that we may destroy ourselves cutting out the disease.  In every state, a private club of lawyers called the Bar Association gets to say who is allowed to practice law. Any dispute against the system in any court goes before a judge who is also a member of that club, as are the judges in the appeals courts and all the way up to the US Supreme Court.  Whatever the case, no matter what the details, it’s that club’s interests which comes first.
It is that reason that we can’t have honest reform.  A “loser pays” system where those who file frivolous suits have to pay the costs will never be allowed because it deprives the lawyers of the opportunity to collect fees from victims defending themselves. We have to take power away from the Bar Associations.  But we cannot rely on the congress to do that until they are pressured into it.
We have to take away the lifetime appointments of federal judges.  No Supreme Court justice has ever been impeached or forced from his seat, even though many have blatantly and repeatedly violated their oaths and some have help their seats long after becoming to incompetent to even reason or make it to work.  Congresses unwillingness to do it’s duty and remove rogue justices leave us with what amounts to a nine member dictatorship.
If congress will not do it’s duty, then we need to amend the constitution to put term limits in place for federal justice seats.

We should also amend the constitution to allow a vote by three quarters of the states’ legislatures to remove a judge from the US Supreme court, or at least to overturn a ruling.



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